David Douma Plays The Harmonium
My very handsome and very intense former partner David playing the harmonium, January 2011.
I’ve always deeply enjoyed reading and writing. I most enjoy reading classic literature, philosophy, children’s picture books, and comic books. I write science fiction and fantasy for fun. I used to keep a daily journal but I’ve lost the habit.
Here are posts about my day-to-day life.
My very handsome and very intense former partner David playing the harmonium, January 2011.
I have been building a friendship with the crows and ravens around San Francisco since early in the Covid pandemic.
Short video from Christmas 2021 of my mom and I reading the nursery rhyme “A Copper Down A Crack” together. #MamaChristmas #ASMR #ScottishFolklore
I’m thinking of taking these new shoes out dancing tonight at the club. #NuShooz #GayDisco #NightBox
Mama was going to hospital for a heart valve replacement operation. I cast a spell of protection with beautiful tattoos the day before the procedure.
Arrangement in my bedroom of art made by dear friends and things I’ve picked up over the years.
Holiday slideshow Feeling grateful for very lovely holidays at home in San Francisco ❤️ Some friends are coming round later I am looking forward to
I was born in New Hampshire, Usa. The state motto comes from John Stark and is possibly the best-known of all state mottos, “Live Free
(Write about Joe’s cancer surgery, and the Puma socks I gave him with the spell on them, where I gave a bit of my soul