Abraxas Selfies 1995-2022

Abraxas Adams, selfies 1995-2022

Screenshot of a carousel I put together recently after finally going through my folders of archived photos to look for old favorites.

I’ve been very fortunate to live in beautiful Boston and beautiful San Francisco and, while it’s true that ten grueling years of ghoulishly grisly crystal meth addiction chewed a huge chunk out of me, taking some of my teeth for good measure, it’s also true that I’ve been blessed with sharing many indescribably exquisite moment with some of the most astonishing and sexy persons, backdrops some of the most surreally beautiful vistas and interiors.

Astonishingly and by the grace of god, everyone comments that I look ten years younger than my age. If this is so then I am grateful and it is due in part to the intense discipline I’ve applied to self-care since getting my life back on track 20 years ago. 

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